FruitFul Ingestion A Podcast

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Why Fruitful Ingestion. A Podcast?

          The way that the nutrient distribution systems has been set up all around the world is based upon greed and unethical consumption of earth’s resources. Large corporation act like sharks. all they care about is profit and economic growth. And never on the consumer’s health or the impact on earth’s natural environments. This has led for a very important factor of the human story: “Human consumption and ingestion” to take a left turn. 
Many people can’t really seem to find the sustainable and correct way to source, cook, and consume foods that are good for themselves, their circle, their community and ultimately their world. this is because of the way the education system has been put together. Immune systems are low, cancer rates are at an all-time high, and there is plenty to go around for everybody, but global hunger is as bright as the sun. The people deserve better. The people deserve to know exactly what to eat and what not to eat so they can keep themselves and their families and their only home (mother earth) healthy and flourishing. Specially during the current COVID-19 pandemic that has taken the world by storm. The last thing we need is low immune systems.

How will we fix this?

          We will Educate ourselves. with the correct way to Ingest and consume food. What we need is practical, action driven knowledge which when implemented will give us immediate results. Ultimately, eating and drinking correctly in a sustainable manner, will not only have an impact on our own lives, the lives of the members in our circle but also people in our community and soon enough the world and the ever-suffering environment. There is no doubt in my mind that we must consume nutritious food, cooked nowhere but in our own home to boost our own and our loved one’s immune systems. Eating fresh, healthy, food and snacks are in direct correlation with a healthy mind that doesn’t feel the need to binge eat and develop eating disorders.

What do we need to do you may ask?

          At “Fruitful Knowledge” invite you join us on this journey to a brighter future with your host Sianoush Rahmani. With high immune systems, and the knowledge for sustainable consumption nothing can stop us from achieving a brighter future. Bringing together the experts on the fields of: Nutrition, eating disorders, limitations that come with food, cooking and storying food, Sustainable food produce, Garbage and trash control etc. is only one part of the phase. Giving Voice to the voiceless and distributing actionable knowledge, strategies and ways for people to invest in themselves is very exactly what we need to do.


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#0 - Who Why What? A Trailer.

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#0 - Who Why What? A Trailer.

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#0 - Who Why What? A Trailer.

July 31st 2020

#0 - Who Why What? A Trailer.

July 31st 2020

#0 - Who Why What? A Trailer.

July 31st 2020

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